
Fred Factor...Are You A Fred?

My friend Derek told me about the book The Fred Factor , by Mark Sanborn a few months ago, and I was interested to read it. Well, I finally bought the book last week and thumbed through it, and it was as good as advertised. The Fred Factor is based on the story of the author's mailman, Fred, and his ability to do a regular job with such passion and enthusiasm that it was no longer regular, but remarkable. Thus, the Fred Factor was born. This book is a very easy read, and presents some easy to implement but very effective concepts. The Four Principles of the Fred Factor are: Everyone Makes a Difference, Everything is Built on Relationships, You Must Continually Create Value For Others (and it doesn't have to cost a penny), and You Can Reinvent Yourself Regularly. The book elaborates on these general principles in a way that is easy to understand. If you are looking for a good read, check out The Fred Factor.Fred Factor...Are You A Fred?

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